Monday, January 31, 2022


 fuck this "intermittant Fasting" bullshit. I've come to the conclusion that is nothing more than a cruel joke perpetrated upon the weak by hoodwinkers bent on selling self-help books.

I'm not having it. I will eat whatever the fuck i choose, whenever I choose from now on. (I'm eating Nutella out of the jar with my fingers as I type this)

What I am going to do is begin my own, self-taught and patented wellness system. I am now going to practice "INTERMITTANT SLEEPING"

its simple really. you just sleep every other day. instead of the normal, accepted and health-destroying routine of 8 hours nightly most unwitting sheep like to practice, i stay awak for 48 hours then sleep 12 hours in regular shift.

doesnt have to be any more difficult than that really. ive been awake for ... awhile already... i better write down the times actually, i cant remember when i got up yesterday... but i dontevn feel tired.

plus i totally got to level 657 on World of Wonder, so I'm achieving great things already.

i hope the diareaha medicine kicks in soon though. my butt hurts.

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